New Landing How can we help? Atelier Wishlist & Shopping Cart

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #241020
    Post count: 68


    After adding 3 items to the Cart and 3 items to the Wishlist, then when you move the mouse over to the cart and wishlist icon, a box appears with things that are added in the cart or wishlist. However, the image of second item got cut off and the third item can’t be seen. Please see attached pictures.

    How do I fix it?

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    Post count: 68

    In addition to the previous questions. I noticed that when I click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” or “VIEW WISHLIST”….. both links are bad. I am not sure what I did. Please help.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    The IP re-directs me to this:, please see screenshot. Are you blocking certain IP ranges or are you using a security plugin?

    Regarding your issues:

    1) Please ensure the theme is updated to the latest version.
    2) “both links are bad” – What do you mean by this? Are they directing to a 404 error page? If so, please re-save your WordPress permalinks.


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