New Landing How can we help? Atelier Wishlist Issues

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #258982
    Post count: 32

    I have experienced some issues with the Wishlist plugin.

    1) I have set-up the plugin so the shopping cart and wishlist icons show over the shop product images (on hover with Quickview activated). This works fine on desktop but when you view site on a mobile device – only the cart icon shows and wishlist icon disappears. Also, the wishlist icon disappears from the header. Is the wishlist plugin disabled on small devices or is there another specific setting for mobiles that I need to turn on?

    2) One of the changelogs for recent update of the wishlist plugin indicated a fix so that ‘nofollow’ is applied to the wishlist links. I don’t see this happening. My concern is that this could affect SEO. Can you please advise?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) Looks like you have changed this?

    – Let us know if you revert back and we can provide the CSS to show the QV button on small screens. It’s hidden because on small screens for 3-4 + columns there is not enough space to nicely display the icon.

    2) This will not affect the SEO, the product links are still dofollow.


    Post count: 32

    Hi David,

    1) I don’t know what you mean by “you have changed this” or “if you revert back”? All versions of our domain url redirect to We have had the SSL installed for a while and WP was always located in the motherandbabyproducts folder. Or do you mean we have changed the layout of our home page? We have but QV , Wishlist etc are still activated.

    The QV buttons show on our website for both desktop and small screens. I was referring to the wishlist icon (seen when you mouse over the product image) which does not show on small screens. Also, when the theme goes to a small screen the columns change from 3-4 columns to one column as part of the responsive code so I think there should be enough space?

    2) I think you may have misunderstood – I am talking about the Wishlist plugin and the wishlist links NOT product links. The links for the Add to Cart icon have rel=”nofollow” but the links for Add to Wishlist icon do not. See the examples below:

    <i class=”sf-icon-add-to-cart”></i><span>Add to cart</span>

    <i class=”sf-icon-wishlist”></i>

    On WordPress support forum, YITHEMES indicated they had added the rel=”nofollow” to “add to wishlist” anchor in the plugin templates. You can see it with this link:

    I am wondering why the nofollow is not appearing on the wishlist links for Atelier? I have the latest versions of theme and plugins installed.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) The wishlist icon shows on hover for non mobile devices, on tablets and phones there is not a hover action so the icons would not disdain. – Are you wanting the icons to be permanently visible on small screens?

    – If so, you can use this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .products[data-columns="3"] .product .cart-overlay .shop-actions, .products[data-columns="4"] .product .cart-overlay .shop-actions, .products[data-columns="5"] .product .cart-overlay .shop-actions, .products[data-columns="6"] .product .cart-overlay .shop-actions {
        display: block;
    .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist {
        display: block!important;


    2) Some of the Wishlist plugin output is overridden by the theme functions, it’s not a stock output as such from the plugin hence the difference.


    Post count: 32

    Hi David,

    1) Thanks for the css – it worked and I now get the wishlist icon on phones.

    2) Is there a way to add the rel=”nofollow” to links created by the theme for the “add to wishlist” icon?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Iris,

    2) I you refering to these icons:, I can certainly pass this back to the team for consideration.


    Post count: 32


    The link you provided did not work but I am referring to the icons for the wishlist and the links created. I think it would be good if Swift did implement changes to add the rel=”nofollow” to links created by the theme for the “add to wishlist” icon that appear on the product images in shop. The plugin owner added the rel=”nofollow” to their update in December 2015 to improve SEO and I believe Swift should make changes to incorporate that update and stop the Atelier theme over-riding it.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Try these two: and

    I can help you do this via your child theme, just want to confirm we are referring to the same thing.


    Post count: 32

    Hi David, is correct – I am referring to the middle icon for add a product to the Wishlist.

    I would like rel=”nofollow” to be added to the links generated by the theme for this “add to wishlist” icon. The “add to cart” icon adds the rel=”nofollow” already so I am not sure why this does not happen with the wishlist icon.

    As I understand it, if there are lots of product images in a ecommerce site with this wishlist icon then there will be lots of links generated with “wishlist” in url which could make search engine crawlers think your site is all about wishlists and hence affect seo. It seems the Wishlist plugin developers see this as an issue and have added it to the December update. I believe Swift should make the update to their theme as well. I would prefer not to have to make changes to our child theme.

    Thanks for your help,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Ok, if you do not want to add this to the child theme I can certainly pass your feedback on for future consideration for the next update.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Added for the next update.


    – Ed

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