I turned on DEBUG LOG and I paste below what I’m getting in log file after seeing white page when trying to use Swift Page Builder:
[20-Jan-2014 17:23:28] PHP Notice: Undefined index: class in /mcshop/wp-content/themes/dante/swift-framework/page-builder/builder/lib/layouts.php on line 68
[20-Jan-2014 17:23:28] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: html in /mcshop/wp-content/themes/dante/swift-framework/meta-box/inc/fields/sidebars.php on line 29
Below are the lines which are indicated in the log above:
Line 68 in layouts.php:
if ( $this->params[“class”] != ” ) {
Line 29 in sidebars.php:
$html .= ‘<select name=”‘.$field[‘id’].'” id=”‘.$field[‘id’].'”>’;
Is there something missing or wrong?