New Landing How can we help? Atelier Where to Configure Newsletter, Shop Button & Sitemap

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #291618
    Post count: 8

    Hello, I’m sorry for the many emails; it seems that I’m having trouble locating the places to configure some of the elements that I have downloaded from the demo content. Here are the four things I’m looking to change from the demo:

    1. Newsletter- I see that on the bottom of my website, there is a link to subscribe to a newsletter, and I’d like to make templates and write newsletters, but don’t know where to go for that.

    #2 & #3 both are default when I type in [woocommerce_my_account] pages, so I’d like to know where to change the settings for that, as I’ve already looked at settings under Woocommerce.

    2. As I have merely changed the demo page to my own “my account” page, I see there is a bar that says “Need help? Call customer care” and Modals for questions, and FAQ. I’d like to know how/where to change those, as it’s obvious those aren’t relevant to my store.

    3. Under “orders” I haven’t made any orders, and there is a button that says “go to shop”. I’ve already made pre-existing pages for “all products”, and would like to set this button to one of those pages, but I cannot find the place to set that.

    Post count: 34

    1. Write to you should newsletter newsletter mailpoet ,
    2. to modify “your account the ” go to Theme Options – > woocommerce Option – > help_bar_text

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    1) You need to create a mailchimp account, copy this code: and paste in your ID

    2) What is it you want to change?

    3) That button will take you to the shop page, which you set in WooCommerce > Settings > Products

    – Kyle

    Post count: 8

    Hey Kyle!

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly; I will try out the code; in regards to #2, I have attached a photo of the “My Account” page that includes the Woocommerce template. In the margins you’ll see a customer service number and two modals which lead to facts and a contact form that is customised to the Atelier demo content, and I’d just like to change those to customise them to my own store.

    And #3, I’ve found that this works, but is there a way to change the hero settings so that I can customise this? I’ve already customised my emtpy “shop” page, but when I set it, it goes back to the Atelier demo settings.


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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    2) You can set these in Theme Options > WooCommerce Options:

    3) What are you looking to set here? The options are in Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop Options, then for individual categories you can set the image when you edit/create a category.

    – Ed

    Post count: 8

    Thanks so much- the modals on the accounts work perfectly now!

    As for the code that you’ve included; this would go under “Theme options>Header Options>Account Links – Subscribe form code” and then enter in the link I get from creating a MailChimp template, correct? Wasn’t sure where to put the coding you sent me. That’s what you meant by “ID”?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No, that would add the subscribe bar to the Header area.

    You need to add it to Theme Options => Newsletter/Subscribe Bar Options

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