New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Website speed optimization with BWM

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #42786
    Post count: 199


    Using I’ve improved my website speed. Still, my results are behind Dante’s demo.

    1) a)After activating BWM the map in contact page is not displaying anymore in Chrome and FF. In IE 11 is OK.
    b) The sticky header is not working anymore in FF and Chrome. Again in IE11 is fine.
    c) Mouse over some menu items is not displaying the subitems anymore in FF and Chrome.

    I don’t know if this is something related just with the plugin, with browsers or even with the theme but have you met something like this until now? Any ideas how to fix it please?

    2) How can I better improve it to achieve your results please?

    3) I’ve got the error below. I’ve followed the first step. Also I’ve put JS Includes to footer.
    How can I find the double jquery.js include to remove it please? I still have to do it?

    Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include. This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work. To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true.
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it.

    Post count: 199
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Costin,

    Just had a look at this.

    1) This seems to be because of one of your installed plugins, not begin compatible for JS minification. I have disabled JS Minify in the BWM settings, but can you do a test with it enabled to see which plugin is causing it?

    2) You could do various things, such as invest in a CDN – , and leverage browser caching with a plugin such as WP Super Cache, or W3 Total Cache.

    3) Not seeing this issue?

    – Ed

    Post count: 199
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    I’d personally recommend WP Super Cache. As long as you don’t enable the minification then it will work just fine!

    – Ed

    Post count: 67

    Hi does the dante theme work with Amazon Cloudfront as a CDN??

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I will check with the developer

    – Kyle

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