Hi Guys,
we just changed our WP theme to yours couple of days ago and finished the setup. The site itself is awesome! However we do have a bit of issue regarding the loading speed.
1. We run the latest WP/Woo/plugins/theme versions, use W3 Total Cache + MaxCDN, the site hosted on a VPS server. All images have been save for web use and been compressed as much as possible. A test here 5.3s: http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/enxl7i/http://www.lifewear.com.au
2. Here we achieved only 56% – which is pretty low I think… https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=www.lifewear.com.au Any recommendation regarding the “above-the-fold content” stuff recommended there?
3. It might be something I don’t know, but checking the site here https://geopeeker.com/fetch/?url=www.lifewear.com.au shows very strange results (it was all good before)
Thank you for your time,
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