I am hosting my site http://www.velobar.ch at Synthesis
They sent me this message recently after the website was down:
“one major problem I found is high frequency of calls to admin-ajax.php file which is consuming too much resources.
88Mb 554.037ms pid=2839 97.47% – – 25/Mar/2015:02:23:00 -0700 “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php” 200 /var/www/velobar.ch/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
It is very hard to tell which exact plugin/theme is causing that but I found admin-ajax.php in code of following plugins:
– mailchimp
– revslider
– Joyn
– Joyn_v2.0
If the problem occurs again, I would recommend disabling above listed plugins and themes & see if the issue still persists?”
I have deleted revslider as I am not using it.
I can;t see MailChimp plug in being the issue as it is in such wide use.
Why do I have two versions of Joyn theme? Is that necessary?
Could you take a look and try and see if Joyn is responsible for the high frequency of calls to admin-ajax.php or whether it is a plugin or a setup error I have made?
The only recent change I have made is that I asked Synthesis to set the address as http://www.velobar.ch/ rather than http://velobar.ch/
Thanks in advance for your help,