Dear Support,
I have an issue with the path of 2 mediafiles. My website is hosted on and was prebuilded on Now the problem is as followed:
File 1
Logo saved in .com folder ( I have already deleted it in wp-admin and re uploaded it, the wp-admin says it is in folder but the sourcecode says .com)
div id=”logo” class=”logo-left clearfix”>
File 2
Same problem as with file 1, wp admin says it is stored in .nl but the source says .com
<!– SLIDE –>
<li data-transition=”fade” data-slotamount=”7″ data-masterspeed=”300″ >
Please help
I can’t find the solution. This problem is caused because we prebuilded / developped it initially on the .com and afterwards migrated to .nl
Kind regards,
Alain Nijholt