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  • #105616
    Post count: 4

    I wonder if you can help me. It’s about “View Shopping bag” button. Yes… again. I went through some similar topics but struggled to find an answer.

    1. When I opne Shopping bag drop-down menu “View Shopping bag” button appears to be black with the black text on it. I would like text to be white. Same problem is with the Wishlist button.
    See attached screegrabs. (pink button appears on hover)

    2. The second thing I’m strugling with is “FAQ” option on Check-out page. How can I get rid of it? I don’t need this option right now.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) The button uses the nav divider color as the background, which you have set to black.

    2) Add this to your custom css:

    .help-bar li:last-child {

    – Kyle

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