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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #296027
    Post count: 45

    Hello, I had my site looking good, but then I updated the theme and wow, everything stopped working. The video in the header box stopped working. I could never get it to work on Chrome, but at least it worked on Safari and Firefox.

    Also, on the footer image that says “leave your mark” the corners are rounded even though I turned on “remove rounded corners” – I even deleted the image and added it back and the corners are still rounded. The update also added a gap at the bottom image on mobile. So bizarre. My blog images also have rounded corners when they didn’t before.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you update to the latest version of the theme

    Let us know after updating and clearing the cache if it still happens.


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