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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #316116
    Post count: 27

    I would like to have differents videos from vimeo in one post (no addeed in detail media of meta options), but when I paste the URL from vimeo, the videos are very small, and I would like them to have full size of the post container (no full with page, because I want to see the sidebar). I Know how to do it with an iFrame, but I don want to use iframes all the time.

    I Only want to paste the URL and that automatically the video adjust itself to the borders of the width of the post area, like happens in other themes.
    Maybe I have to do some changes in code, Could you help me please?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please add a WP login/Page URL for us to take a closer look.


    Post count: 27

    Hi David, In this image you can see what I want: The first video o the top, is addeed from the post meta options, and the nexts form the wordpress editor only pasting the url from vimeo or youtube. I would like the videos added from editor to be so big as the red mark, the size of first one, full with inside the container.

    But I would like to make this only with inserting the URL, and no with iframes. Other themes adjust the size of embed videos automatically to the container and do it responsive without iframe code. I don’t know why your theme does not do it? (It would be more esthetic, at least to me.. I think…)

    Maybe It is possible doing some changes in code?
    If is not possible, What can I do?

    Is important for me.
    Thank you!

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I think this largely depends on the video aspect ratio. WP converts the URL into the output, you could test this CSS:

    .page-content iframe {
        width: 100%;
    Post count: 27

    Oh, now it adjust in width, but no in the height dimension, like the first video added from meta options.
    Maybe I have to do something else? It will be for videos only from Vimeo 16:9 ratio..

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    I see, WordPress allows you to wrap the URL in a shortcode to specify the width/height. Ref:

    For example, test this:

    [embed width="840" height="630"][/embed]

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