I’ve been having issues with vimeo videos when placing the link into the “portfolio detail video URL” section of the “main detail options”. The videos that are in the portfolio section which are played through this option all have issues with aspect ratios. For some reason they all have black letter boxes and look like they are 4×3 & not 16×9. When these videos are opened on an iphone there is an even larger letter box and it looks like the videos are playing rectangular player.
I’ve tried dozens of different options to try and get them to play in their native 16×9 player and for them to be responsive but nothing worked. I then tried embedding a video by placing the link in the post as opposed to the “portfolio detail video URL” and it works flawlessly and is responsive when changing the size of the browser window.
Here is the link to my work page. http://www.khalidmohtaseb.com If you click on one of the projects you’ll see what I mean. I hope there is an easy solution for this. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!