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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #70090
    Post count: 8

    Hi Support team,

    I have devoted the last two hours trying to work around Dante issues.

    I’m working with a local host, so I cannot share a url with you. It all started after I put a parallax element at the top of my page.

    Immediately after this happened, the “impact-text-large” styling of the <p> tag that was right underneath the parallax element vanished. The central alignment vanished as well. So now the text
    “Latest on our Killer Business Blog.

    We share smart tips on our blog..”
    was with small letters and on the left.

    I did various experiments including duplicating the text box below that was saying “latest projects”, and then moving it right underneath the parallax element. Boom, same issue. All <p> formatting lost.

    I then duplicated the parallax element with strategy-creativity-technology. I moved it underneath the parallax element and all the formatting got lost once again.

    What’s happening? I tried to fix it only to cause even more problems, like pasting html code in the text view of a parallax element and the <p> formatting disappearing after clicking “save”. The “View” editor also stopped working and I had to switch to 2014, then back to Dante, then update, and then it started working again – but still doesn’t show me all the formatting options, just the heading ones.

    Attached you’ll find a few screenshots, showing you how it looks like on my computer. I did some changes so I can no longer send you the “View Source” code. I just want to know what’s up with Dante, and whether bugs like that are common. Also, does it have to do with the script inserted in the parallax element? What is it that’s messing it up?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    So the issue is that when you place an impact text below the parallax asset it loses the styling?

    Let me try and replicate this issue on my demo and get back to you.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 8

    Hi Kyle, thank you. I have more problems. I’m not sure I’ll end up using Dante for my site.

    So here’s what happened this time. I used the “About” pre-built template for my new About page. I click “View Page”, but what I see doesn’t make sense. Even though the titles are in the code, they don’t show on my site. See screenshot – it’s only 1, 3, and 6 with visible titles.

    I’m also attaching a screenshot of the code, to prove that the titles are there.

    So what’s the issue?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    It’s because of the We’re

    It’s closing the title because it’s using an apostrophe, I know it’s a bit longer but please could you try ‘we are’

    – Kyle

    Post count: 8

    Kyle, removing the apostrophes does work. But this is the text of the pre-built template. So for some reason, your site shows up just fine with this text:

    What’s up with mine?

    Post count: 8

    Also, in this block, why don’t I see the formatting, i.e., the box around each “reason to work together”?Same for the countdown (see attached), it doesn’t show up with the blue color as it does in your demo.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    The We’re heading on the page is not a shortcode, it’s just written into the visual editor therefore there is no shortcode for it to close, where as using the title for the icon box is. Let me ask the developer if there is a way around this

    And sorry not sure what you are referring to in the second question?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 8

    Kyle, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but this was supposed to work out of the box. This is your pre-built page that is causing me problems.

    About the formatting, please compare the “6 reasons you should work with us” and the “countdown” screenshots with the elements in your demo at this page . Can you the see different background colors?

    Above, I’ve sent you both screenshots – one is titles.png and the other one is countdown.png.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I see what you mean, to debug this please could you provide me with your link and login so that I an check why the titles are not working

    – Kyle

    Post count: 8

    This is on a local server so I’m afraid you cannot log in and check this yourself. I’m attaching the “View Source” of the page. Let me know if that helps.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I’m afraid that does not help, I would need to check a variety of things. I can’t really do much if I can’t see your site

    – Kyle

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