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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #144004
    Post count: 23

    When using a parallax video as a static background and content height dependent, the portion of the video that shows starts from the top and expands as the content expands. Is there a way to adjust the start point or the vertical center point of the parallax video to show the middle of the video frame?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    That’s not possible to control the vertical aligment of the video, the only way is to increase the height of the video.

    Do you want to try some css to increase this video height to see how it looks?


    Post count: 23

    I am still having trouble with the parallax video and it’s very frustrating. If I pick content height or window height the video is still getting cut off. I am trying to make mine just like your welder on the home page of your demo. I even imported the pre-built page and put my mp4 in your box. Still getting cutoff.
    Here is my page I would like the video on:

    The problem is with the re-sizing. with a small width the video is not cutoff with a large window width is where there is trouble.

    Please advise how I might resolve this issue. Can you tell me the video settings/size of your welder video crafted_600_b_med.mp4
    Thanks again for your help,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Gail,

    What is the height is relative to the width, what is your video dimension? It will need to be big enough to be resized proportionally.

    The demo is 1920×600.


    Post count: 23

    thank you

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    – David.

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