I have a main menu in my website with some 1st level links with dropdown menus and one link that is a megamenu.
Now I want one of the 1st level links to have a dropdown menu with two more levels: the first level would have no link, just (#) and would group the second level of links that would be the team members.
For example, the main link “Team”, then a second group “photography”, “accounting”, “IT”, etc (with more than 5), and the 3rd level it would be the people (team members).
Well, when I try to do this the menu is automatically converted in mega menu, and doesn’t allow me to have more than 5 groups. I can’t deactivate megamenu flag in general options because I have another megamenu in the website and I need it.
So, how can I indicate that this new menu isn’t a mega menu?
And how can I add team members? Do I have to paste the entire url as external links?