Thanks for the great theme!
I have a few questions, I hope you’ll be able to help. Sorry in advance, I am a total beginner with wordpress so still figuring it all out.
1- how do I work out the size of my retina logo? What about other pictures on the site, how do I ensure they are of high enough resolution for retina devices?
2- How do I make the contact form work? I did put my email address in the ‘contact’ settings but it doesn’t send me the messages… I am wondering if there is something else I need to do?
3-Is there an easy way to center my content when it consists of two elements of the page builder placed next to each other.. for example on my
contact page ? I have tried playing with css margins and paddings but did not manage to find a way to center…. a wrapper would be ideal but I have no idea whether it is possible to import and override some html into the child theme…? Sorry if all this sounds confused… I am really a beginner with wordpress!
4- Where can I find the shortcodes? I read something that stated they can be accessed by clicking the red logo in the editor but I cannot find it (the red logo)! I’m not 100% sure what shortcodes actually are but it sounds like I might need them as I want to change (maybe remove) the hover effect on the buttons, and also perhaps they would help me with question 5… ?
5- Is it possible for me to place one element of the page builder inside another one? The example of what I am trying to achieve can be seen at the bottom of my about page … I would like to have a photo of a staff member with a toggle bar that would hold their name and that could be clicked for information about them…
It kind of does what I want now… I just copied the shortcode? for the toggle into a text box where the picture lives but
a- they won’t sit next to each other…
b- they seem slightly out of alignment (particularly the third one!).
Many thanks in advance,