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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #191731
    Post count: 9


    we are using Joyn and we are experiencing a few issues lately,
    which might have been caused due to an update on the theme but they might be unrelated.

    Issue 1:
    When going to the portfolio grid page on a mobile phone (for example iPhone5)
    the filtering system for the portfolio categories disappears.

    Issue 2:
    When visiting the portfolio grid page and the news page on chrome you get 3 items per row which is correct since that is the value set on WordPress’ dashboard.
    But when visiting the site on Firefox these 2 pages display 2 items per row.
    How can we adjust that so it displays consistently 3 items per row?

    Issue 3:
    Although we have a sticky header set for all the site,
    inside the portfolio detail page the header is not sticky anymore.
    Is it because that page is using a hero image?
    Is this a feature which we could set somewhere on the backend?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Could you please supply a WP login credential for us and post a link to your site or page in question for us to investigate?


    Post count: 9
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    You have an error in your child theme (see screenshot).

    If you can, is it possible for you to backup and then update the main theme as yours is out of date?


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    Post count: 9


    is this why these 3 errors are occurring?
    I am afraid at this stage we cannot keep updating the theme as it creates bugs throughout the site and we are trying to finalise it rather than keep changing it.

    All the other functionalities of the theme work totally fine,
    so I do not think an update of the main theme would solve the issue.

    Please could you advise?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    From that error message, it looks like your child theme doesn’t have the style.css

    It’s mandatory so it can work as expect.

    Can you check it?

    Also you need to update because several fixes and new features are provided in each new update.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Upgrading will provide you with new features, bug fixes and general improvements so I would always recommend it if you can do it and have a backup made.

    You really would want to look at fixing your child theme error as that is a bit sketchy for the future.


    Your filter is hidden on tablets and small screens by a media query is responsive.css. You will need to find the class .filter-wrap and remove the CSS display: none;


    This is related to the grid CSS, have you amended it in your child theme? – This where an update could help you.


    Your sticky header works for me, is this browser specific?


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