New Landing How can we help? Atelier Variation Plugin Issues

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #209400
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @bloomcreative – Ahh, you will need to enable the button option to see the variation switches (as this is how WooCommerce outputs it). Can provide css to hide the button if you don’t want that though?

    For the product detail page, the Product Slider options needs to be the Disabled (With Thumbs) option for the plugin to work – we tried with the slider, but just couldn’t get it to work nicely. I’ve set this on your site so that you can see it working as expected with the plugin now.

    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Also, we’ve improved the thumbnail spacing for the next update on that setting.

    – Ed

    Post count: 8

    I didn’t know that the ‘Show Buy Button’ needed to be enabled. That has done the trick.
    I’ll hide the button with CSS (I guess the basic display: none;) will work for that.

    I can see the additional images working from the lightbox which is better than nothing.

    Once again I appreciate your help on this. I’ll look out for any further updates to fix the spacing issue and hopefully in the future we can get the slider working.

    Thanks 🙂 Diane

    P.S I’m happy if you want to close this topic.

    Post count: 30

    Hi Ed,

    Before you close the topic can you please address my concerns as well?


    Post count: 30

    Hi Ed,

    Here are my concerns below that still need to be addressed.

    1. Additional variation thumbnails take too long to load.
    The initial load delay is as long as 5 – 10 seconds while there is also a 1-2 second delay each time the different variation label is selected. I do not have this same lag with the regular thumbnail images (when slider is enabled). With this long of a delay it wouldn’t be feasible to use this plugin as customers would grow too impatient.

    2. The only way to scroll through the thumbnails is by using lightbox.
    My guess is because this is due to the slider being disabled. However it would be a better experience if there was any way to make the thumbnails scroll (via the product image directly) without going into the lightbox viewing mode.

    3. Variation labels in shop view only works with Standard listings. Is it possible to make it work with the Preview Slider view?

    4. The label variations still show on hover so it is showing both on hover and below the image.

    5. Is there any way to customize the size of the labels in shop/catalog view? As of right now the default size is extremely small.

    6. Is it possible to remove the “select options” button above the color variation labels? You had mentioned using custom CSS to do this, can you provide that code snipet?

    7. As of right now I am not able to change the variation selections in catalog/shop view, meaning for example to select a different variation from the shop view rather than from the single product listing. It would be great if you could select the color variation and have the image change in the shop image view as it does in the single product image view.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) As far as I can see that would be solely the plugin loading the images, so would depend on image size and number of images. Testing on @bloomcreative ‘s site – it loads almost instantly with each swap.

    2) We have tried extensively to get this to play nicely, but haven’t yet found a solution due to the way the plugin works (it is designed to work with the default WooCommerce setup which is main image and thumbs – no slider). We’ll try and spend more time to get this working in the future if we can.

    3) Unfortunately not as of yet – again we’ll see what we can do in future updates.

    4) Can you provide a link for us to see this?

    5) Add and adjust this css:

    li.product .select_option .yith_wccl_value {
        min-width: 30px;
        height: 30px;

    6) Sure, add this:

    .products > .product-actions .add-to-cart-wrap > a.product_type_variable {
    display: none;

    7) Testing locally and on @bloomcreative ‘s site – changing the variation on shop view changes the product image too, no issues at all there.

    – Ed

    Post count: 30

    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for your help.

    The code you provided to change the size of the labels only changed them in the single product page. I was actually referring to the size of the labels in the shop/category page. Is there any way to make those bigger (only)?

    Thanks again.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Drop me a link to check your shop page?

    – Ed

    Post count: 30

    Hi Ed,

    No worries I found out which line of code it was in the plugin css and edited it directly. Now it works.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Glad you sorted it.

    – Ed

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