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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #278833
    Post count: 10

    Hi Guys,

    So I’ve built my existing site using X-Theme, however when it comes to commerce their features are pretty poor so I’ve purchased Uplift as I really like the layout and process. The problem I have, is I’ve set up a WP Multisite and would like use my existing site for most of the website, and then pull in the shop subdomain (that uses your Uplift theme) to then display the catalogue/products/checkouts etc. However, to give customers a seamless transition, I want to keep the existing header / footer from the other template so it all looks exactly the same…

    I hope that makes sense? Could you advise on how I integrate Uplift as a commerce solution as part of a full wordpress site using two themes? And also how I can pull in only the main frames / Menus / Account etc.?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    There is no easy workaround to achieve that.

    My advise would be to duplicate the current installation to the new shop subdomain. Probably you would have to replace the menu items by customize links so you can point directly to the main site.

    Regarding the header you will have to customize it in Uplift to look alike the one in X-Theme, there is no other way.


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