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  • #41758
    Post count: 38

    Apologies in advance as I am quite new to WooComerce and your Neighberhood theme. I have a B2B site I am developing for a client which also utilises the “Orders and Quotes plugin by a3rev” to hide prices and order buttons for people who are not at least “Customer” level, showing only the remaining product data and images, and providing a “Product Enquiry” mailer button.

    Under General Settings, I have set the “New User Default Role” to “Subscriber” as I would like any user who “Creates a new Account”in WooComerce, and the “Register” page in your theme, to be set to “Subscriber” and not “Customer” immediately, as I can then set the “Orders and Quotes” to only show the “Wishlist” and not the prices yet. This way consumers can look at products, query them and add items to their personal WishList, while not seeing prices and order buttons.

    The idea is the client will then MANUALLY login and promote the access level for their authorised resellers, thus giving them full access to place doers and see prices.

    However despite this setting, when a user registers on the site presently, they are immediately set to “Customer” once they complete the registration, as apposed to being set only as “Subscriber”. I see also that WooComerce / Settings only has an option to ” Prevent customers from accessing WordPress admin”, so it seems if we do find a way to decrease the automatic level to “Subscriber” they will then still be able to access WordPress Admin?

    Can you assist with an option under your themes “WooCommerce Options” page, or is there some other trick I can use that won’t be overwritten with theme or WooCommerce updates?

    Many thanks and I hope this is not an overly complex issue or beyond the scope of the theme.

    Marc for Keren

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    since this is a matter between the user level plugin you’re using and WooCommerce, I’d recommend contacting either of those two support forums.

    All the best!

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