New Landing How can we help? Cardinal URGENT – Opt-In Form does not Load on Home Page

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #264162
    Post count: 129

    OK – So reloaded on straight cardinal (child theme deactivated), plug-ins deactivated, cache cleared
    Chrome – optin is OK, slider doesn’t load…
    Safari – optin is OK, slider doesn’t load…
    iPad – slider loads with text, all other photos missing text, opt-in doesn’t load
    android – slider doesn’t load, text over slider and photos doesn’t load, opt-in doesn’t load.

    Try it now if you like… I will wait a few minutes before reactivating child theme.

    SO – what are your best recommendations…
    I should contact ontraport, and unplug chatwing for now?

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    Post count: 129

    For several days, our website has not been loading properly.
    Slider image isn’t loading on home page
    text over slide image isn’t loading on home page
    email opt-in isn’t loading on home page.

    This is occurring in various browsers and platforms, in different physical locations, but it appears that not everyone has the problem. Some are loading OK in Chrome. But at least 4 chrome users are having issues that weren’t there last week.

    Received several message from clients who cannot use the site, such as:
    image 1
    We contacted WPEngine, our site host. They faced the same issues:
    image 2
    WPENgine found these errors:
    image 3
    image 4

    >>>This is the most helpful reply received from WPCurve – 4/25
    We have found some scripts that is still conflicting in your site, even with the up to date version of your theme, we suggest to contact your theme developer to further investigate the issue.

    SWIFT found these ERRORS in red:
    plus ONTRAPORT and CHATWING errors

    After deactivating all plugins, and child theme and clearing cache, here are the test results in our offices:
    Reloaded on straight cardinal (child theme deactivated), plug-ins deactivated, cache cleared
    Chrome – optin is OK, slider doesn’t load…
    Safari – optin is OK, slider doesn’t load…
    iPad – slider loads with text, all other photos missing text, opt-in doesn’t load
    android – slider doesn’t load, text over slider and photos doesn’t load, opt-in doesn’t load.

    Thanks for your guidance!

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Remove this from the page, it is the root cause all the problems. The signup form that is. I’d recommend you simply use MailChimp.

    <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Post count: 129

    OK – we’ll remove it! I’ll put a photo in there instead and use a popup on the home page.
    We don’t use mailchimp anymore. WE use ontraport – is that going to be OK into the future with Cardinal?
    Until now, we haven’t had any problems with popup ally pro which we are using to feed form via either embedded or popping forms feeding to ontraport.
    Please advise.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    There are no future plans for it but I will pass it back. The issue is we cannot control what JS ontraport loads into the theme, hence the issue. You will need to move away from embedding the form using that method.


    Post count: 129

    OK –

    SO now I see AyurMama child theme is active again, but doesn’t load to home page.

    redirects to

    How can we get to load home page again? (can access thru dropdown menu, but not upon site load)

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @NiikaQ

    Any redirect or domain level issues – best to contact WPEngine, as they can assist directly. The theme has no control over the domain.

    – Ed

    Post count: 129

    OK – Will ask them. (endlessly strange stuff…!)
    So now the home page accessed via the dropdown site menu is loading under this strange new address:
    I can ask WPENgine what’s up with that, BUT
    the page itself, while now again loading slide, photo text and opt-in, is all broken up with white spaces between elements.
    What can we do to get the home page back as it was?

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    Post count: 129

    Hi David – WHen you say:

    David Martin – Support
    APRIL 27, 2016 AT 7:10 PM #264185
    Remove this from the page, it is the root cause all the problems. The signup form that is. I’d recommend you simply use MailChimp.

    <script src=”//″ type=”text/javascript”></script>

    Did you ALREADY REMOVE THE CODE? has a completely different page loading on it now – a version of the blog roll- the home page is not there
    WPEngine is now trying to figure that out as you suggested. Seems awfully strange!

    pls advise

    Post count: 129

    WPENGINE support: Luis Leal
    Hello Niika
    Welcome to WP Engine Support!
    Niika Quistgard
    I don’t have a ticket
    Luis Leal
    How may I help?
    No worries
    Niika Quistgard
    but this was something we chatted about yesterday
    Screenshot 2016-04-27 07.50.25.pngScreenshot 2016-04-27 07.50.25.png
    Swift Ideas developed the theme we use – Cardinal, and our child theme AyurMama
    website is
    there were issues with different elements not loading correctly.
    Luis Leal
    Ok, I was able to review the last chat
    Niika Quistgard
    Luis Leal
    Are you still having issues with the slider or theme?
    Niika Quistgard
    slider is OK, theme is apparently not
    BUT – here’s the wierd thing they asked me to talk to you about: try loading the home page using the standard URL, and you get the blog roll
    the home page is only available via the dropdown menu, and it loads under a page name I’ve never seen before!
    actually, the proper blog roll is loading under the BLOG option in dropdown menu – I have never seen this kind of page that’s loading at before
    the content is from my site, but the content and layout are not the home page
    Luis Leal
    Still looking into this, thank you
    Niika Quistgard
    Luis Leal
    Odd, not sure whats happening here. Did they tell you what the did to resolve the previous issues?
    Niika Quistgard
    They said: David Martin – Support
    APRIL 27, 2016 AT 7:10 PM #264185
    Remove this from the page, it is the root cause all the problems. The signup form that is. I’d recommend you simply use MailChimp.

    <script src=”//…;uid=p2c29923f20&version=1″ type=”text/javascript”></script>
    but then WPCurve couldn’t find the code to remove it.
    Luis Leal
    Niika Quistgard
    what do you think? How can I restore the home page to load with the url
    Luis Leal
    Im looking to just restore the site, however you’ll most likely run into the original slider issue not loading. However if you know how to fix it that may help
    Still looking at this though
    Please give me a few more minutes
    Niika Quistgard
    Luis Leal
    Trying one more thing, thank you for your patience
    Niika Quistgard
    thank you for helping
    Luis Leal
    It looks like your posts may have been switched around
    Niika Quistgard
    how do you mean?
    Luis Leal
    Not sure how thats possible However I am seeing the post home-eight-naked is an actual post created on 01-22-2013
    Niika Quistgard
    I know the child theme was deactivated, then re-established – could that be why?
    so what happened to the original home page, I think called “index”?
    what do you recommend…
    it’s been days now that my site is broken. no one seems to know what to do…
    Luis Leal
    Site is “rekt”, not sure what could have caused it and at this point it needs some developer work. I would advise restoring the site to a point that it was more functional and disable the Slider, create a work around in the mean time, or attempt to correct the orignal slider issue again but inform the developers that what they did last may have messed up your site
    Niika Quistgard
    can you send me a copy of this chat?
    Luis Leal
    Niika Quistgard
    thanks… ugh
    Luis Leal
    I know, I’m so sorry

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @NiikaQ

    The ontraport script code is back on the page – as David said, this is the cause of all the script issues on the page. We haven’t touched the page – usually when a theme is changed, the front-page is reverted to “Latest Posts”. You can set the front page of the site in Settings > Reading.

    – Ed

    Post count: 129

    Yes – I had to revert to a version from several days ago, as the site was COMPLETELY unusable and WPEngine could only say it was “rekt”-
    SO let’s back up and figure out what is going on, exactly, so we can at last go forward.
    The Ontraport code has been on the page for weeks, and working great – I was getting opt-ins every day.
    If you look at the restored site now, does it help you sort things at all? You can see the only problem on the home page now restored is that there is a top white stripe over the top of the slider, which should be transparent. Everything else looks good.

    Not sure what caused the slider and opt-in break- maybe it was the Cardinal update? – that sent things so off.
    Do you want to give me a protocol to go step thru updates, etc. to watch for the issue?

    Finally, if and when it is time to remove the code (<script src=”//″ type=”text/javascript”></script>)
    Where EXACTLY do I find it??

    pls give clear instructions.
    Thanks for your assist-

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Post count: 129
    This reply has been marked as private.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    I have made a small screencast to explain how to locate and remove the code:


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