New Landing How can we help? Cardinal URGENT – Opt-In Form does not Load on Home Page

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #263954
    Post count: 129

    Note gray/black “box” on right side where opt-in form usually appears, but now does not.
    Because this is the main opt-in on the home page and this problem has persisted for many days, this is becoming an urgent matter. This is one of several suddenly “broken” issues going on. Hoping for your guidance on a quick correction. Thank you so much.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    It’s there for me:


    Post count: 129
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The Opt in form is not our functionality, that is a 3rd party plugin/code which we do not control.

    – Regarding intermittent issues, have you asked what browser/OS this happens on? Another member of the team has also checked your site and it appears to work for them also.

    If you experience further issues:

    1) Deactivate your child theme
    2) Deactivate all plugins leaving only Swift Framework and WooCommerce active.
    3) Clear your cache and re-test.


    Post count: 129
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We are very interested and keen to help you.

    Please do this:

    1) Deactivate your child theme
    2) Deactivate all plugins leaving only Swift Framework and WooCommerce active.
    3) Clear your cache and re-test.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @NiikaQ

    I understand issues are frustrating, but taking it out on us when the issue isn’t the fault of theme won’t help matters. David has clearly provided steps to take to test and to try to localise the issue – I fail to see how us providing steps to take is us being “uninterested”.

    Looking at the errors it’s very clear that there is something up with your setup – customisations, or 3rd party plugins. There are 404s, unexpected token (both of which are nothing to do with the theme), and this is only the first 3 errors I see out of 10+. The issues showing to occur in the theme files are not caused by the theme. These issues do not happen on any of our many installs, and we host with WPEngine. If your developer can provide proof of where the theme is at fault then we’ll be happy to look. However until you can verify that the issues are with the theme and not infact any of your customisations (if there are any) or other plugins, then us helping you really isn’t the problem here.

    – Ed

    Post count: 129

    OK – Thanks, Ed. That’s a helpful explanation.
    Remember – we rely on you because we don’t have the same level of tech expertise!
    I understand now and will try what you advise.

    Post count: 129

    Also, just FYI –
    The child theme was create by Kyle, when DANTE wasn’t working, and he recommended I shift to Cardinal, and he wrote the child theme.

    It’s not ME that’s asking for the conflict error advise,
    but WPEngine – who is experiencing the same non-load and provided the errors, and WPCurve…

    I’m just the belaboured messenger, being sent round and round while my clients are emailing me about the site day after day…

    I appreciate you helping me narrow down where the issues are, and hopefully, then – what can be done about them.

    I’ll do what you asked and reply.

    Post count: 129

    Progress report –
    Step 1:
    Deactivate all plug-ins except for Swift Framework + Woo Commerce-
    clear caches

    Chrome –
    opt-in is restore, slider is not loading.

    Safari – neither slider nor opt-in are appearing

    android – slider image loads without text, no text on any home page photos, no optin

    iPad – slide image loads without text, no text on any home page photos,
    no optin

    Post count: 129

    How do I de-activate child theme please?

    Post count: 129

    Once i know how to deactivate child theme, I will do that next, then again clear caches and re-test, keeping all plug-ins except swift framework and woo commerce deactivated as instructed.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    To deactivate the child theme you just have to activate the Parent theme(Cardinal Theme)
    Using the latest chrome version the slider is loading fine to me.

    Also check the 2 red errors in the image below.

    The first one is from Ontraport and the 2nd one from chatwing.


    Post count: 129

    Great – now we are getting useful info exchanged THANK YOU!!! I will see what I can do…

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, let us know how you get on.


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