New Landing How can we help? Atelier Urgent – Need to get rid of comment section on cart page

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #326568
    Post count: 22

    Dear Sir,

    I have just noticed there was comment section open on the cart page, and had over 1000 spam messages. Can you please tell me how I can get rid of it. I had already unchecked the permission for people to leave comments on the discussion section of word press. Why there is comment box in the cart? It looks weird and unsafe.

    I appreciate your early respond

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Simply edit the page, remove the checked default WordPress Comment option:

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The option Allow comments was on for this page.

    I already disable it using the quick edit.

    Hope it helps.


    Post count: 22

    Many thanks. I was unchecking the “allow comments”under settings, and did not realize under quick section there is more settings for it.

    Thanks again.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Glad we could help.


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