New Landing How can we help? Atelier Urgent – blog posts not showing on mobile

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #276539
    Post count: 25


    I really need urgent help as I have a big promotion going out to 75,000 people on instagram tomorrow at 7am (which doesn’t happen every day for me so I really need this to count!) – and none of the blog posts on my site are displaying on mobile. They are fine on my computer (safari and chrome) not sure about other browsers either but I’m assuming it might just be mobile? I haven’t changed any settings recently, I’ve just upgraded to the new framework and new atelier version but that’s after noticing this problem.

    also when i initially went to my site on my iPhone all of the images for the site were displaying in completely the wrong places – one of my blog images was where the logo was, another was in place of a product. It was fine when i refreshed the page but again for someone visiting my site on their mobiles for the first time it gives a horrible impression.

    any help will be much appreciated!

    many thanks

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    What mobile device is this for, can you add any screenshots.

    – Please clear the device cache.
    -What version of the theme do you have?
    -What version of the Swift Framework plugin do you have?


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