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  • #48219
    Post count: 7

    Please do not tell me search for it it because it’s not here. Being a newbie is not the best thing to try and use your theme. I’m tired of pulling my hair out. This is my problem. I am using home (example 1). When I attempt to use page builder to create my page, I have no problem using the elements to create the outline of what I would like my page to look like. The problem that is killing me is that I do not know how to upload an image. What I am asking is, when I click on (edit button) the element “shop products” I can’t do anything with it. how do I insert a gallery to the exact location of my “shop product” element? Also, I would like to be able to pass my mouse over the image and it becomes bigger and a message also pops up at the bottom that reads “add to shopping cart” and when they click on it it goes to the shopping cart.

    Thank you in advance for all your help!!!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    1 – Please watch the video to make page as you want . You need to scroll down the page to watch video tutorial .

    2- Once you’re on the Add New Product screen, you will then be able to set a title for the product item, add the description, and also provide all the data information such as price, stock status, attributes, etc.

    You can add a featured image in the right column box, and above that set any other gallery images. Any images you add here will be used for the product slider images and shop elements .

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