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  • #184253
    Post count: 38

    Hello guys, so I was wondering.. Everytime you come out with an update what happens and how do we go?

    1. So you make a new update. I download it. I select the current theme and delete it. I then upload your new theme. That is how you do it right?

    2. What happens when I do this? Will I lose any files? Will I have to redo anything to my plugins? Will I have to update permalink? For instance will my cache have to be redone? If I changed something in a file like the htcaccess or anything, is this gone?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    When we launch an update is suppose that you should be able to update directly from Appearance-> Themes and click in the theme details and hit the update button. In some servers this may not be possible due to security restrictions

    If you have some sort of cache you should purge it after the udpate.
    That’s only this you have to do.


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