New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Updating the default template for sidebars

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #46314
    Post count: 3

    I think this should be simple but …

    I’d like to change my default post template to include a sidebar; I need to use a page template rather than the swift code editor as I write my posts on a desktop client.

    I can’t find any way to update the sidebars on the template using the admin pages ( I know I can add the sidebar to individual posts but that means an extra step).

    From reading support I gather the best (onyl?) way is to edit the meta-boxes.php file to enable sidebars on the default template, this works (for new posts only) however I cannot find where to specify which sidebar. It includes sidebar 1 where I want to include 3.

    Is this the best way to achieve this or is there a better process? I suppose I would best to move this into a ChildTheme in order future resilience.

    Thanks, Colin

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, first you would change

    				'std'  => 'no-sidebars',


    				'std'  => 'right-sidebar',

    in meta-boxes.php line 905

    Then you can try going to functions.php where you will find the code after

    	================================================== */

    I recommend grabbing the paragraph of code for sidebar 3 and putting it right above the code for sidebar one, maybe that will change the dropdown position which will make sidebar 3 default.

    If that doesn’t work I’d recommend setting up sidebar one as your default sidebar because that one will be chosen per default.


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