for the first time since I got it I tried to update Neighborhood today.
(Never changed Theme files, it’s all in the child theme)
At first it looked good, but then I realized checkout functionality was completely messed.
(neigborhood issue – everything working on twentytwelve)
(Updated WordPress, Woocommerce & Neighborhood to the latest version)
It says never change a running system and this proved to be true.
But I really want to update after such a long time. I could feel performance improvements,
but everythimng makes no sense if your shop isn’t working anymore.
The problem is I can’t go through forums waitng for replies whilst I’m constantly losing money.
Are you offering an update service?
I’ll pay for it. I mean this should work on it’s own,
but I rather pay a pro instead of messing up my shop, and waiting days for replies.
If it’s not possible to offer this service, could you please give me exact version numbers of woocommerce & neighborhood that will work together for sure?