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  • #140224
    Post count: 61


    I’ve had this problem for a while now but it’s becoming too annoying.

    I’m not sure exactly why or when it happens, but at times when I am switching between SPB mode and the classic editor, it will automatically add spaces within text elements (above and below div’s, p’s, etc.). Has anyone else experienced this?

    Any fix?

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Is there a reason you switch between the 2 editors? I can’t see this being anything to do with the theme

    – Kyle

    Post count: 61

    Hi Kyle,

    I switch because we add a lot of content, and sometimes, it’s much quicker to just edit in classic mode.

    Perhaps it’s not a problem with theme, I’m not sure — have you ever experienced this before? or heard of anyone experiencing this?

    I’m not accusing that there’s a problem with the theme, just trying to find a solution 🙂

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Can you gives us the exact scenario to reproduce this? Along with the content you use.. Make sure you don’t hit line breaks ( Enter key ) while adding texts in the text boxes.

    Let us know,


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