New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint UL & LI List Spacing

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #26964

    Hi there,

    First of all, I love this theme! Best that I have used. Thank you.

    Anyway, I have a client that is insisting the the ordered and unordered lists be single spaced and no matter what I try, I cannot seem to make it work in the Options or the Editor. Can you please assist me with this?

    Here is one page in particular that I am dealing with:


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    The spacing between list items is done with CSS, so try this in the Custom CSS box from the General theme options:

    li {
        margin-bottom: 2px !important;

    Original value is 12px. Let me know if that helps.



    Support Assistant

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