New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Two doubts about products of virtual store: order & dots

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #220948
    Post count: 76

    I’m updating the store, and I just realized that several things happen that are beyond my understanding:
    1- A dot appears on each product in the carousel featured products. and it appears not know why, or what it does. Attached photograph.
    2- In the online shop, the order of products, in English, appears orderly, but in Spanish one of the products listed messy, and i don´t know to how to change it. Attached photograph.

    How could resolve these doubts?

      Thank you

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) To remove the dots, please use this CSS:

    li.product {
        list-style: none;

    2) Can you install this plugin, then re-order your products correctly? WPML should not alter this.

    – David.

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