The site in question is http://the-polished-home.com.
The issue is that we are trying to display custom social media icons, and they are not displaying properly.
You can see that the icons are displaying differently on every page.
I have attached files of how the Icons are displaying below.
I have also attached the image file I am using to show the images as well as the short code.
[social size=’large’ type=’twitter,facebook,linkedin,google+,pininterest,dribbble’]
This is the code we us to call the icons
if you could provide the edit we need to make to the css or image files we would appreciate it.
It seems that when we upgraded the theme it overwrote the code that we had from you to make it work. We don’t want to have to go through this again every time we update the theme. so if we have the fix we can be ready.
Thank you for you attention to this.
Thor Torgersen