New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Translation issues

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #110283
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @javierojuel,

    Just checked here with the spanish translation, and all working fine..

    Do you have any other languages set up?

    – Ed

    Post count: 44

    Hello Ed,

    I must miss something:

    I have written in the file wp-config.php define(‘WPLANG’,’es_ES’);
    My computer and browser is set to Spanish.
    I have installed the plugin Codestyle Localization and I have translated some strings.
    No other languages installed.

    Any idea about what is wrong?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Is your WordPress admin area appearing in Spanish? I’ve tried the wp-config.php method before, and have never gotten it to work – I always use WPML.

    – Ed

    Post count: 44


    I found a solution for this problem. In my opinion, there is an error with the system you use to translate the theme to different languages. By deafult, if you want wordpress and the theme to be in other language (just one), it is not needed any plugin (WPML or similar). You just have to define the language in wp-config.php and have the right po files for the theme.

    With the structure of your theme, wordpress does not know which file is the right one and cannot show the theme in the right language. There are several directories with language files and I suppose that you should tell wordpress where the right one is. I found this page that tells you must define the language directory in functions.php.


    I installed this plugin CodeStyling Localization Preserver that forces wordpress to read the language file from /wp-content/languages/themes . So in this way, when I save the Spanish .po file in Codestyle Localization plugin, it copies the file to that directory.

    This is “a plugin of a plugin” and Codestyle Localization plugin is needed.

    I would say that I have translated at least 10 themes before and I have never had this problem before. So It is strange that no other have had this problem before.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @javierojuel

    That is strange, because that’s exactly how we’ve declared the load_textdomain() function in our functions.php file, exactly as it’s meant to.

    I’ll look into it further, however we do have lots of users who have managed to translate without issue.

    – Ed

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