New Landing How can we help? Atelier Translation issue

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #329977
    Post count: 23

    Woocommerce has a Romanian translation and with the default theme almost everything gets translated.

    Yet, after activating Atelier theme, the same things that were previously translated with the default theme, now are in English (the default language)

    Any idea on how I could correct this ?

    Thank you!

    Post count: 23

    Ok, so basically your theme overrides Woocommerce translation files. This means that instead of translating only the theme specific stuff, I need to translate all Woocommerce (2500+ lines) + theme specific stuff

    Can you please tell me what do I need to do to revert the translation to the Woocommerce one ? Better to have 2500 expressions translated. I have tried this without success, even if the translation files are in that directory:

    load_theme_textdomain('woocommerce', $wpDir.'/wp-content/languages/woocommerce');

    Can you please advice ?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    No that is not correct, we only override specific WooCommerce template files/strings – not all of them.

    Any custom theme that interacts with WooCommerce this way will require both the theme and the plugin to be translated.

    To translate the theme, please refer to these docs:

    To translate the WooCommerce plugin, please refer to these docs:


    Post count: 23

    Your atelier.pot file has 2000+ strings.

    You have basic stuff in there like: Add to Cart, Username, Out of stock, Remember me

    Why would you have these (override them from Woocommerce) in the first place ?

    Shouldn’t you only provide a .pot file with the strings not already in Woocommerce, or at least not the obvious ones ?

    You point me to translate a theme. Do you know what it means to translate 2000+ strings, when most of them are already in Woocommerce which is translated in my language, while Atelier not ?

    So you override most of Woocommerce strings, but not provide a translation in my language ? Who in their right mind translates 2000+ strings of a theme ? And it should be ok as long as they are theme specific strings, but force me to translate Add to Cart, Username, Out of stock, Remember me and 1000s that normally already come translated with Woocomerce is ridiculous and most of all unfeasible, time and money consuming

    But why ? Why override: Add to Cart, Username, Out of stock, Remember me ?…

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We override strings if we have modified the core WooCommerce template files or functions within the Atelier theme. This is standard practise.

    Modifying/adding translation strings to your own language file is normal, even if the theme comes with a full/partially translated language file.


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