New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Translation for parts of shopping cart missing

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #297553
    Post count: 60

    Dear support team,
    i am asking myself, why are there parts in the carts total, that weren‘t translated,
    Cart total = Warenkorb
    cart subtotal = Zwischensumme
    order total = Gesamtsumme

    and besides

    shipping calculator = Versandkostenrechner

    Any idea, how to solve this problem.

    I have already checked out, that this is not in responsibility of woocommerce, as this specific view in the theme is cardinal based – that‘s what also the structure on ftp says: /clickandbuilds/LoveSHamburg/wp-content/themes/cardinal/woocommerce/cart

    I would be so grateful for any help.

    Many thanks,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you check if your .po file has this text?


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