New Landing How can we help? Atelier Translation And Single Product Page esign Issues After Woocommerce 3.0 Update

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #319791
    Post count: 25


    I just update Woocommerce to version 3.0 and the “Additional Information” tab on product detail pages show in English instead. they are already translated in woocommerce-tr_TR.po file located in /wp-content/languages/plugins. However, it keeps showing as “”Additional Information” instead of “Ek Bilgi”.
    How can we resolve this?
    And, after the woocommerce update the layout of the product detail pages changed and I caanot set them back to the previous layout. Before, the product images didnot have any borders and visitors could see all the images by dragging the hero image or usinf left right arrows. Now, you have to click the thumbnails below.
    Also, the Turkish Lira sign show creepy.

    Could you please help to resolve the issues indicated above?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You need to translate your theme strings:

    2) I believe WooCommerce changed this and we had to change our theme for better compatibility reasons. Can you also clear out your browser cache.

    Post count: 25

    I have updated the theme po file (tr_TR.po) and cleared all the browser, w3total and cloudflare caches but the string is still showing in English.
    Also the product detail look & feel did not change after the caches I cleared.
    What would be causing this issue? Are you able to see the translated string?

    And, where exactly I can change the layout of product detail page?

    Post count: 25

    Update: I found out that most of the strings coming from woocommerce are now in English. How could this happen when there are translated in po files?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @vuruku

    That string is now in the WooCommerce translation file, not the theme’s.

    The layout has changed as this is now the WooCommerce standard setup with the slider. We’ve done this to improve compatibility and reduce issues. Left/Right arrows is something we want to look into the possibility of adding, and will do so asap.

    – Ed

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