New Landing How can we help? Atelier Translation and css issue

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #199118
    Post count: 10

    I have some problem.
    The first is driving me crazy, some translations.. in attachment you can see (yellow) that the string VIEW CART is not translated, but in LOCO translation all is ok! i tried also POEDIT, but the translation is good.. The same string is translated also in woocommerce.. Ideas?

    In green you can see the button next-prev in overlay with breadcrumb.. Why?

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834



    It looks like your language file is only partially translated? Currently: 62%. Could you use POEdit and regenerate the files?

    The translation does exist in the language file:

    #: swift-framework/core/sf-header.php:1221
    #: swift-framework/core/sf-woocommerce.php:615
    #: swift-framework/core/sf-woocommerce.php:699
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Your cart is empty."
    msgstr "il tuo carrello"
    #: swift-framework/core/sf-header.php:1270
    #: swift-framework/core/sf-header.php:1272
    msgid "View your wishlist"
    msgstr "La tua wishlist"


    Your product pagination looks like that because you breadcrumb navigation is very long and overlaps it.

    You could alter the top position of those with this CSS:

    .summary-top .product-navigation {
        top: 60px;


    Post count: 10

    Thanks for css..
    For the translation there is some problem with codestyling localization and POEDIT: if i generate the MO with POEDIT i have some result, with codestyling localization other.. i don’t know what instrument use to be sure of the result..

    I use your courtesy for another problem: in home i use a Swift SHOP PRODUCT element, but the image sizes are all different.. why? how i can have all image size egual without resize the original one?

    Post count: 10

    i give you a screenshoot

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I did not provide any CSS, those are the references to the language translation strings in the language files located in atelier/languages.

    Please add your screenshot also! 🙂


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