New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Joyn Transitioning from Joyn to Dante – Needed or options?

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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #123533
    Post count: 394

    Hi, Joyn looks great. I am looking to perhaps transition from Dante to Joyn (or sticking with Dante if it can adopt some of Joyn’s cool features). Can you explain:

    1) What’s the easiest way to change an almost built Dante site, onto Joyn?
    3) With Joyn’s woocommerce setup, does it still have a Login / Signup function?
    4) Will pages built with the page builder automatically setup the same way in Joyn?
    5) The demo homepage has the header working within an image, and the same on sub-pages (before scrolling up). In Joyn, there anyway to have a white heading on subpages, but the header that works with an image on the homepage?
    6) Is that spinning shape thing between page loads customisable?
    7) Does the visual animation look on this page: – work on all images?

    Thanks! If there’s away to achieve the above features in Dante, be good to hear.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Please see: the same applies for Joyn


    3) Yes of course, that’s standard WooCommerce

    4) Yes but you will need to follow the steps in number 1

    5) You can set the naked header on any of your pages, it’s in the page meta options. You can have pages with a normal white/colored header also

    6) It will use your accent color, however other than that you can’t customise it. We have other preloader affects too 🙂

    7) That’s the ‘Multilayer Parallax’ page builder asset

    – Kyle

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