New Landing How can we help? Atelier Tour section doesn't load images in all tabs

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #299166
    Post count: 208


    For some reason the tour section photo gallery I have in the “Realizzazioni” page doesn’t load images in all tabs.
    For example, if you go from tab called TV – Gaiarine to MB – Besana Brianza (from 3rd tab to 4th) the pages don’t load.
    The tabs that images don’t load are the following:

    MB – Besana Brianza (4th tab)
    CO – Como (Via Malvito) (5th tab)
    PT – Massa e Cozzile (9th tab)
    MI – Paderno Dugnano (10th tab)
    MI – Paderno Dugnano (Via Monte Oliveto) (11th tab)
    CA – Quartu Sant’Elena (12th tab)
    PV – Vigevano (Piccolini) (15th tab)

    Also I don’t know if it’s a good practice to have so many images trying to load in one page with javascript but my client really wanted them all there. I tried to explain to him to use fewer images but he insists. There was also an issue (as he claimed) that when he clicked on a different tab while the images from one tab were still loading the images of the other tab started loading underneath them.
    Unfortunately I couldn’t replicate this issue but maybe it helps you understand what the problem might be.

    Looking forward to a solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @solidsn2004

    It seems somehow the tab IDs are set incorrectly – please can you try editing the tab names for the tab that aren’t working, and saving them again, then saving the page?

    Let us know.

    – Ed

    Post count: 208

    Hi Ed and thanks for the reply,

    I tried editing the name of the 4th tab but it didn’t work. However, it seems now that all the other tabs are loading fine apart from tab number 4.
    Do you think this has anything to do with the custom js code in the theme?

    Let me know.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    The tab content #mb-besanabrianza is different from the tab link #mb-besana-brianza.

    Can you delete that tab, then create a new one?


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