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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #50228
    Post count: 48

    Hi There,

    Sorry to bother, don’t know if I am maybe making an error while setting up the logo sizes etc but can you please assist / point me in the right direction to fix?

    There is a white space at the top and bottom of logo (when large and small when scrolling down).

    I manage to get rid of the space at the bottom when increasing the logo width but then it pulls it out of proportion (and top still has white space)

    Is there maybe a suggested size / aspect ratio for logos?

    Please see attached pictures.

    Website is :

    Thank you very much!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please go to Admin -> Theme options -> Header options -> scroll down and put your logo height and width and resized height and width and top and bottom spacing .

    The max height for the logo area is 42px as standard, but you can override this in the Theme Options panel. If you upload an image with a bigger height than this, it will automatically be scaled to fit. The logo area has a maximum size, as to keep the menu items correctly placed. If you upload an image with a smaller height than this, you may need to add top spacing to get it vertically centered.

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