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New Landing › How can we help? › Cardinal › Thumbnails quality and size
- This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by
Posted in: Cardinal
September 22, 2014 at 7:25 am #113157
1) (Page: Inicio)
Thumbnail images in this portofolio gallery are almost the same size and weight.
However three of them (the lower ones) are shown with a correct quality, but the upper ones
are shown in low quality. I regenerated thumbnails but nothing changed. How could I achieve
the correct quality in the 3 upper images?2) (Page: Discografía > Sole Giménez)
Thumbnails appear in a 4:3 ratio, so album covers are shown cropped. In page builder, standard gallery is chosen. I would like the thumbnails to be square.Thanks in advance for your support.
September 23, 2014 at 1:24 pm #113733Hi
There seems to be some issues in the backend of your site, please update all of your plugins, wordpress and the theme so that everything is up to date.
The page should show the page builder in the backend, then on your images you have selected ‘thumbnail’ for the size for the top 3, you need to select ‘full’ or ‘large’
– Kyle
September 23, 2014 at 2:49 pm #113786Thanks, Kyle.
Regarding issue 1: yours answer was perfect. Solved. Thank you.
Regarding issue 2: still waiting for your solution. I have chosen “standard gallery” and “ratio 1/1”, but the images are cropped. Annoying is that the English version of this page (with apparently the same settings show not cropped images.
Thanks for your help.
P.S: Back-end is now working correctly at my end.
September 23, 2014 at 2:52 pm #113788Forgot:
– I updated to Cardinal 1.80 before writing the above answer.
– Now the main menu in is not shown correctly. The last option “Tienda” is dropped to a next line. Could you also have a look? Thanks.September 23, 2014 at 3:17 pm #113799This reply has been marked as private.September 23, 2014 at 3:59 pm #113814Thanks, Kyle.
– Menu issue just worked fine.
– Images issue: I don’t understand why it is not possible to use the standard gallery mode with normal images (the most usual mode I suppose). I don’t like masonry mode for portfolio showcases because yoy just don’t control the order of the items. That’s exactly what’s happening if I use it in other sister porfolio-pages like /discografia/colaboraciones/.
Would need a solution with the standard gallery mode.
September 23, 2014 at 4:21 pm #113823Ok for the standard gallery you would need to use a child theme and add this to your functions.php file:
/* PORTFOLIO THUMBNAIL ================================================== */ if (!function_exists('sf_portfolio_thumbnail')) { function sf_portfolio_thumbnail($display_type = "gallery", $multi_size = "", $multi_size_ratio = "1/1", $columns = "2", $hover_show_excerpt = "no", $excerpt_length = 20, $gutters = "yes", $fullwidth = "no") { global $post, $sf_options; $portfolio_thumb = $thumb_image_id = $thumb_image = $thumb_gallery = $video = $item_class = $link_config = $port_hover_style = $port_hover_text_style = ''; $thumb_width = 400; $thumb_height = 300; $video_height = 300; if ($columns == "1") { $thumb_width = 1200; $thumb_height = 900; $video_height = 900; } else if ($columns == "2") { $thumb_width = 800; $thumb_height = 600; $video_height = 600; } else if ($columns == "3" || $columns == "4") { if ($fullwidth == "yes") { $thumb_width = 500; $thumb_height = 375; $video_height = 375; } else { $thumb_width = 400; $thumb_height = 300; $video_height = 300; } } if ($display_type == "multi-size-masonry") { if ($multi_size_ratio == "4/3") { if ($multi_size == "wide-tall") { $thumb_width = 1000; $thumb_height = 750; } else if ($multi_size == "tall") { $thumb_width = 500; $thumb_height = 750; } else if ($multi_size == "wide") { $thumb_width = 1000; $thumb_height = 375; } else if ($multi_size == "standard") { $thumb_width = 500; $thumb_height = 375; $video_height = 375; } } else { if ($multi_size == "wide-tall") { $thumb_width = 900; $thumb_height = 900; } else if ($multi_size == "tall") { $thumb_width = 450; $thumb_height = 900; } else if ($multi_size == "wide") { $thumb_width = 900; $thumb_height = 450; } else if ($multi_size == "standard") { $thumb_width = 450; $thumb_height = 450; $video_height = 450; } } if ($gutters == "yes" && $multi_size == "tall") { $thumb_height = $thumb_height + 50; } if ($gutters == "yes" && $multi_size == "wide-tall") { $thumb_height = $thumb_height + 15; } } if ($display_type == "masonry" || $display_type == "masonry-gallery") { $thumb_height = NULL; } $thumb_type = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_thumbnail_type', true); $thumb_image = rwmb_meta('sf_thumbnail_image', 'type=image&size=full'); $thumb_video = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_thumbnail_video_url', true); if ($display_type == "multi-size-masonry" && $multi_size != "") { $thumb_gallery = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_gallery', 'type=image&size=large-square' ); } else { if ($columns == "2") { $thumb_gallery = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_gallery', 'type=image&size=thumb-image-twocol' ); } else { $thumb_gallery = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_gallery', 'type=image&size=thumb-image' ); } } $thumb_link_type = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_thumbnail_link_type', true); $thumb_link_url = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_thumbnail_link_url', true); $thumb_lightbox_thumb = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_image', 'type=image&size=large' ); $thumb_lightbox_image = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_link_image', 'type=image&size=large' ); $thumb_lightbox_video_url = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_thumbnail_link_video_url', true); $thumb_lightbox_video_url = sf_get_embed_src($thumb_lightbox_video_url); $port_hover_bg_color = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_port_hover_bg_color', true); $port_hover_text_color = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_port_hover_text_color', true); if ($port_hover_bg_color != "") { $overlay_opacity = $sf_options['overlay_opacity']; if ($overlay_opacity == 100) { $overlay_opacity = '1'; } else { $overlay_opacity = '0.'.$overlay_opacity; } $port_hover_bg_rgb = sf_hex2rgb($port_hover_bg_color); $port_hover_style = 'style="background-color:rgba('.$port_hover_bg_rgb['red'].','.$port_hover_bg_rgb['green'].','.$port_hover_bg_rgb['blue'].','.$overlay_opacity.');"'; } if ($port_hover_text_color != "") { $port_hover_text_style = 'style="color: '.$port_hover_text_color.';"'; } foreach ($thumb_image as $detail_image) { $thumb_image_id = $detail_image['ID']; $thumb_img_url = $detail_image['url']; break; } if (!$thumb_image) { $thumb_image = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $thumb_image_id = $thumb_image; $thumb_img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_image, 'full' ); } $thumb_lightbox_img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_lightbox_image, 'full' ); $image_alt = esc_attr( sf_get_post_meta($thumb_image_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true) ); $item_title = get_the_title(); $item_subtitle = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_portfolio_subtitle', true); $permalink = get_permalink(); $item_link = sf_portfolio_item_link(); $custom_excerpt = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_custom_excerpt', true); $post_excerpt = ''; if ($custom_excerpt != '') { $post_excerpt = sf_custom_excerpt($custom_excerpt, $excerpt_length); } else { $post_excerpt = sf_excerpt($excerpt_length); } if ($display_type == "gallery" || $display_type == "masonry-gallery" || $display_type == "multi-size-masonry") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<figure class="animated-overlay overlay-style">'. "\n"; } else { $portfolio_thumb .= '<figure class="animated-overlay overlay-alt">'. "\n"; } if ($thumb_type == "video") { $video = sf_video_embed($thumb_video, $thumb_width, $video_height); $portfolio_thumb .= '<div class="video-thumb">'.$video.'</div>'; } else if ($thumb_type == "slider") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<div class="flexslider thumb-slider"><ul class="slides">'. "\n"; foreach ( $thumb_gallery as $image ) { $portfolio_thumb .= "<li><a ".$item_link['config']."><img src='{$image['url']}' width='{$image['width']}' height='{$image['height']}' alt='{$image['alt']}' /></a></li>". "\n"; } $portfolio_thumb .= '</ul></div>'. "\n"; } else { if ($thumb_type == "image" && $thumb_img_url == "") { $thumb_img_url = "default"; } $image = sf_aq_resize( $thumb_img_url, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, true, false); if ($image) { $portfolio_thumb .= '<a '.$item_link['config'].'></a>'; if ($display_type == "multi-size-masonry") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<div class="multi-masonry-img-wrap"><img itemprop="image" src="'.$image[0].'" width="'.$image[1].'" height="'.$image[2].'" alt="'.$image_alt.'" /></div>'. "\n"; } else { $portfolio_thumb .= '<img itemprop="image" src="'.$image[0].'" width="'.$image[1].'" height="'.$image[2].'" alt="'.$image_alt.'" />'. "\n"; } $portfolio_thumb .= '<div class="figcaption-wrap"></div>'; if ($item_subtitle != "" && $hover_show_excerpt == "no" && ($display_type == "gallery" || $display_type == "masonry-gallery" || $display_type == "multi-size-masonry")) { $portfolio_thumb .= '<figcaption '.$port_hover_style.'><div class="thumb-info">'; } else if ($display_type == "standard" || $display_type == "masonry") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<figcaption '.$port_hover_style.'><div class="thumb-info thumb-info-alt">'; } else if ($hover_show_excerpt == "yes" && ($display_type == "gallery" || $display_type == "masonry-gallery")) { $portfolio_thumb .= '<figcaption '.$port_hover_style.'><div class="thumb-info thumb-info-excerpt">'; } else { $portfolio_thumb .= '<figcaption '.$port_hover_style.'><div class="thumb-info">'; } if ($display_type == "gallery" || $display_type == "masonry-gallery" || $display_type == "multi-size-masonry") { if ($hover_show_excerpt == "yes") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<h4 itemprop="name headline" '.$port_hover_text_style.'>'.$item_title.'</h4>'; if ($post_excerpt != "") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<div class="name-divide"></div>'; $portfolio_thumb .= '<div itemprop="description" '.$port_hover_text_style.'>'.$post_excerpt.'</div>'; } } else { $portfolio_thumb .= '<h4 itemprop="name headline" '.$port_hover_text_style.'>'.$item_title.'</h4>'; if ($item_subtitle != "") { $portfolio_thumb .= '<div class="name-divide"></div>'; $portfolio_thumb .= '<h5 itemprop="name alternativeHeadline" '.$port_hover_text_style.'>'.$item_subtitle.'</h5>'; } } } else { $portfolio_thumb .= '<i class="'.$item_link['icon'].'"></i>'; } $portfolio_thumb .= '</div></figcaption>'; } } $portfolio_thumb .= '</figure>'. "\n"; return $portfolio_thumb; } }
And change the values for:
else if ($columns == "3" || $columns == "4") { if ($fullwidth == "yes") { $thumb_width = 500; $thumb_height = 375; $video_height = 375; } else { $thumb_width = 400; $thumb_height = 300; $video_height = 300;
– Kyle
September 24, 2014 at 8:20 am #113974This reply has been marked as private.September 24, 2014 at 8:27 am #113977I’ve added the code for you and everything seems fine. You just need to change the values to the sizes you would like to use
– Kyle
Posted in: Cardinal
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