New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Theme unstable – bits go missing?

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #38519
    Post count: 26

    Sorry to add to your workload but I am really struggling.
    The theme seems very unstable for me – one minute I use the pre-built page and it works fine, then when I return one or more “bits” that made up the theme disappear….

    On this page for example everything works apart from the why we are special bit that DID work last night….

    I have the same with the About Us pre-built pages, they just load up blank with no pre-built elements showing, where as the Agency homepage does work soooooo???

    And of course this unreliability makes it impossible to progress as I don’t know if it is me or the site that has screwed up……

    I REALLY hope it is me, as the theme is great, but I can’t understand why one minute a prebuilt element works, and then it disappears?

    Many thanks!

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    There is likely a server configuration issue . Please increase your wordpress memory limit as that likely causes many of the issues.

    Hope this helps.


    Post count: 26

    Hi Tahir

    Oh OK – um where and how do I do that?!?!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Check the “Increase PHP..” section on the following link –

    Hope that helps!

    – Ed

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