New Landing How can we help? Atelier Theme options not migrated and some other questions

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #207999

    First I want to say that you made a great template, I love it.
    Besides that I have a couple of questions:

    1. Yesterday I moved the website from my local WAMP server to a folder of my domain. Everything went well except that the ‘theme options’ didn’t migrate at all. How is this possible? I did the migration with the ‘duplicator’ plugin.

    2. When I saw that the ‘theme options’ didn’t migrate I saw the option to export/import the ‘theme options’. I tried the options to export a file and than import the .json file. Did didn’t work. Also the other option with import by URL did’t work. Why is that?

    3. Some of the theme translations didn’t work correct. When I opened:


    in POedit and made some changes to the already existing translations and saved the file again the translation on the website did work. How is this possible? And when I update the website, will all the translations be gone?

    4. The button ‘Add to Cart’ in the Quick view pop-up doesn’t have the theme styling. How can I change that?

    5. How can I change the ‘Wishlist’ icon to a heart?

    6. The import of a color scheme .csv file doesn’t work. I can export a color scheme, but when I change the colors in the file, save it with a different name and than try to import it, it doens’t work. The system says it imported the color scheme, but that’s all. I cannot see the imported color scheme and cannot choose it.

    For some of the questions, see the attachements for more details:

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834



    Have you double checked your database was correctly cloned over? The theme options are all stored in your DB so assuming that has moved over the settings should be there.


    Is your site locked behind a maintenance plugin or .htaccess password? Did you have any errors you can provide us or have you checked your server logs?


    Translations that have been modified should be added to your child theme which is supplied with in the zip from TF. Let us know if you require any help with that. Your translations should work if you have migrated the translated files and not installed the theme new from a zip file.


    Can you upload the zip file you have for this plugin? This should work as standard with the theme.


    Activate your Atelier child theme, within the functions.php file you will see this:

    // function custom_wishlist_icon() {
    // 	return '<i class="fa-heart"></i>';
    // }
    // add_filter('sf_wishlist_icon', 'custom_wishlist_icon', 100);

    Uncomment this by removing the \\ from each line.


    That is strange, when you import it – do you save the options after you have done the import? Would you mind adding your file here or providing a link to the file so we can test it?


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