New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Theme not translating

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #112360
    Post count: 44

    Hey guys remember I gave you some .po and .mo files both for the language and the swift-framework folders?

    Well I see you included them on the actual current theme but still…

    On the blog, shop, portfolio still says “Load More” on the items says “Share This” and so on even though those strings are actually translated.

    It seems like the problem is from the language folder since the swift-framework strings translated beautifully.


    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Take a backup of the current translated .po file, Make sure you have the latest theme version and the latest .po file, and try using this plugin to rescan for string and try or use this plugin to make sure all the texts are corrected translated.

    Let us know,


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