New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante The style sheet misses __MACOSX

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #35837

    WordPress 3.7.1
    OVH hebergeur.
    I just buy your Dante Template; I installed it and i have an error message below :

    Damaged themes
    The following themes are installed, but incomplete. The themes have to have at least a style sheet and a model.
    Name Description
    __MACOSX The style sheet misses

    Please, Help me to resolve this problem. I checked my FTP server file and this folder exist into wp-content/themes/__MACOSX

    I have only Dante theme installed in my wordpress platform

    So i don’t know where is the trouble.

    Thanks for your support,
    Best Regards,

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    Please unzip the theme package and go through the Documentation. You do not have to upload the whole package rather the zip file inside the package .


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