New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood The quality of images on the Woo commerce

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  • #35908

    Hi Ed,
    i am sorry for posting my question in the wrong area before,but i could not find any other way contacting you/support till now,its my very first time:)
    I ve bought you Neighborhood template and customizing it now.
    I ve got an issue with an image quality ,once i upload it to the ecommerce it looks very blur,even though it the quality of the photos os very good otherwise.
    Someone told me that it is because you ve programmed it this way and suggested contacting you and ask to reset it ,so that the quality will be as high as the image i use,and does not resize them to something less and blur?
    Is it possible to send you the website link to your direct email,as i prefer to keep it private until its launched?
    Looking forward to you reply,
    thank you in advance,

    Post count: 19

    ^ I am setting up my site & noticed this as well. The theme imagery compression on thumbnails must be high. It would be good to resolve.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032
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