New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Text strings reverting to incorrect language in Theme Options

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #76809
    Post count: 19


    We have a 3.9.1 WordPress with a 2.54 Dante theme (set as Child).
    We have a WPML v3.1.5

    When we want the change the text strings of the Theme Options (such as Header’s top left text or Footer’s copyright), when we come back to the Theme Options it always reverts back to the previous language.

    Also, we set the default language to French, but it seems we have to enter English texts in those Theme Options and then, translate via WPML’s String Translation. This part works, except that as soon as we go change a Theme Option, the english strings we input reverts to the french ones and we have to do the whole WPML’s String Translation process over…

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, we have never had this reported before, could you please contact WPML support?

    Post count: 19

    Ok we’re opening a ticket at WPML’s support – let’s see what they’ll troubleshoot.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Its ok . That would be more helpfull.
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 19


    WPML team must be in touch with you guys, that,s what the “compatibility team” said after investigating our support ticket at WPML.

    In the meantime, we found that DANTE is using the Redux framework for the admin’s Theme Options.

    Here’s what we got from those guys:
    …which details were in a previous Issue number, closed a bit quickly:

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Olecomm,

    It is using the old version of Redux, which is unfortunately not supported anymore. We’d upgrade it to the new version, but that would likely result in broken sites that need theme options to be set again – unfortunately not something we can risk!

    I’m still investigating any possible solution to this, but for now I would recommend replacing in the theme – you can easily replace this file on update, but apologies that it’s not the most convenient solution.

    – Ed

    Post count: 19


    Which file? Redux being a framework, I guess I need to change multiple files in at least a complete folder??

    We have Dante 2.56 set a child theme.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @olecomm,

    You should only need to translate /includes/sf-options.php

    – Ed

    Post count: 19
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Check the following value for each field:

    'std' => 'auto'

    That defines what the default value is.

    – Ed

    Post count: 19

    But those aren’t the values I see anymore…

    I see the values I entered, but the *translated* ones, instead of the original ones I put.

    So basically, if the initial default/sample value (coming with the original theme) was “abc”… I’ve put “123” as my value, and then translated it to “456” in WPML…

    The bug is: when I come back to the theme options, what I see is “456”. So I only see the translations instead of the original values *I* have put.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Ahh ok, well they will be saved. If you reset the theme options, you should see the translated default options.

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

    Post count: 19


    Nope, it doesnt help.

    Only a few options reset to default (sample data coming with the theme package) such as the social media bar shortcode (top bar Right)…

    But some other values remained as they were before the options reset, such as the Top bar Left text.
    So, in such fields, I still see “456” (translated WPML value) instead of “123” (or even “abc”) I should see…

    I cannot afford to delete and re-install WPML, or even reset and reinstall the whole theme neither…

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Ok.. I think you may be going about this the wrong way. Are you trying to set a different value for each language through the theme options panel? If so, that isn’t how WPML works. You’ll need to translate the admin texts, for each language – not the original panel value.

    – Ed

    Post count: 19

    Let’s summarize this quick: for the moment, as soon as I change ONE option, only one, in the Theme Options… I lose all my 1st language strings.

    I cannot be more specific with this same example I keep giving:

    – let’s say default theme options (sample) was “abc” — I overwrite it and don’t see it anymore.

    – I then enter my own value, in 1st language values… say: “123”.
    This part also works.

    – I then go to WPML and translate this “123” value with my 2nd language translation. say: “456”.
    This part, too, works…

    **THE BUG** is that when I come back to the Theme Options in Dante… I just see “456”. I never see “123” again, the 1st language values.

    Basically, I cannot change ANY Theme Option once I translated them once in WPML, because I LOSE the 1st language strings, everywhere in the theme options.

    If I change/save anything there, just one field… WPML deactivate all the values, because “456” (the translation) shows, instead of what I entered: “123” — what WPML is supposed to recognize as the 1st language strings.

    I enter “123” in Theme Option, I translate to “456” in WPML… and then the theme options show “456”… “123” is no-where to be found again!! unless I re-type them all again each time in Theme Options, and re-activate the translations again one by one in WPML.

    Is that clear?? I cannot be more specific.

    I’ve been doing a lot of WordPress with WPML in the past… and Dante’s Theme Options is the only thing behaving like that…

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