New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Text load issues in Firefox

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #7768
    Post count: 33

    I’ve come across a very annoying (to say the least) problem. The text of my site loads not only different across browsers, but in Firefox it takes several seconds to load – even though I have removed the Google fonts and now using Helvetica and Palatino Linotype.

    Previously, I’ve used Raleway for Headers and Lato (regular) for text. It works brilliantly in Chrome and Safari, but in Firefox it looks… well, like crap.
    So, I removed the google fonts but it STILL loads really slowly, and does _not_ show the standard font (as it’s supposed to according to Google:

    I’ve recorded a video of how it looks when loading in Firefox:

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    Did a test on your site, it loads in over 12 seconds, so that is a point to consider as well. Thing is, Firefox handles webfonts differently and we also get that on our demo site, although for a shorter time, as we run the demo on a dedicated server.

    Generally, number of plugins that add JS to the site, number of fonts pulled in – these are all factors that decrease page loading times. I also see you’ve minified the HTML – not sure that would really help unless you get thousands of visitors. Also, just a FYI – minification and compression plugins won’t really work with complex themes such as Flexform, so in case you’re starting to experience broken JS issues, keep this in mind.


    Cosmin – Support

    Post count: 33

    So what do you suggest I do? Is there a way to unify all the JS without breaking it, or overly complicating future upgrades, for that matter?

    I’m guessing that a plugin such as WP-Minify will break the site in half?

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    Sorry for the so late reply.

    What I’d do is use something like Cloudflare for caching first – that does help a lot. Then, for any scripts that you will never use, you could create a mini plugin and de-register them, so that theme updates won’t erase your customizations.

    Unfortunately, minification plugins can’t work with very complex themes such as this one (and many others), simply because the script use and loading algorithm is too complex for them to understand; they usually do end up breaking the site.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 33

    I have no idea how to ‘create a mini plugin’.. 🙂

    I think a good idea for a future update, would be to give users the ability to disable it in the theme settings, whilst at the same time – obviously – tell the user what functionality will not work…

    On a sidenote; I don’t know what happened, but the site is all of a sudden loading faster in Ffox…

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Glad to hear it’s doing better now 🙂 I’ll make sure to pass on the feedback.



    Support Assistant

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