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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #38749
    Post count: 63

    Hello. I have some questions regarding the Team custom type.

    1) How can I adjust the size of the featured image that is used for the Team page when using the Team Carousel? Is this defined somewhere?
    2) How can I adjust the font size and header style that is used for the Team Name?
    3) How can I adjust the font size and header style that is used for the Team Position?
    4) Is there a way to turn off the hand icon when there are a set number of team members that require no additional scrolling on the Team Carousel?
    5) Is there a away to turn off the hover panel on the Team image when no Follow elements (facebook, twitter, etc.) are defined.
    6) I noticed that when an email address is added to the Follow section, no icon is displayed on hover.


    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    Can you please provide url ?
    1: Most likely it is hardcoded.
    2: Custom css, please tell us what you want there.
    3: Same as number 2
    4: This should happen by default. If its not happening it is likely a bug and will be soon fixed.
    5: Custom css
    6: Will have to check that as well.


    Post count: 63

    Thanks Tahir.

    For Item #1, I really need to be able to adjust the Team image and make it smaller with different dimensions. Can you please provide some additional details on this please?

    Post count: 63

    Any updates on Item #1? And for Items #2, can you please provide some examples of the font size for the 2 elements(Team name and position)? Thanks!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    1) This is set based on the column width. It’s not possible for it to be smaller else it wouldn’t fit the responsive css grid.

    For the rest, I think I got these in the item comments?

    Let me know.

    – Ed

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