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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #39488
    Post count: 63

    Hello. I need to create a custom layout for the Team profile page. I’m using the Featured image for the Team Carousel, but need to hide it on the Team profile page, so that I can use my own image layout. I’m using the following css to hide the image on the Team profile page.

    .type-team figure.profile-image-wrap {
    display: none;

    However, it looks like the image placeholder is still on the page because full width elements are not occupying the entire page. Is there a way to remove this image space on the page? Would be good to have this an an option as most people will likely need to customize the Team page using the builder. Thanks!

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    Can you please provide some screenshot as to what you need removed and the page url so i may give you custom css.


    Post count: 63

    Hi Tahir. My site is only local for now, but this is pretty easy to replicate. Just use the Swift Builder to design a Team member page that include a 1/3 image area and 2/3 text area. And use the above css code to hide the featured image on the profile page. You will see that a blank area is still there for the featured image. I don’t see the point of using the builder component if you can’t achieve this type of layout. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @jovo,

    As discussed on TF, will sort you out a copy of the latest version with the feature of hiding the image and using a full width description area.

    – Ed

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